手天使障礙G片發表聲明HandAngel Gay Porn Video Release Declaration

Hey, HandAngel has filmed a Gay Porn Video

Featuring alternating groups of two physically disabled and two abled persons, three video footages of guyguy interaction were shot.
Why do we shoot Gay Porn Video? It’s simple, there are too few porn videos on Earth featuring disabled people. There are some, but always shot in a hunt for the unusual and abnormal. Because right among our members are people with commercial porno acting experience, and companions with film and art backgrounds, we started brainstorming this project. (HandAngels is a place for talents~ so much)
However, we faced a challenge at once: what about the disabled subject? We asked all potential disabled members in our meeting. Everyone is comfortable discussing applications we received for sex service in the comfort zone of HandAngel, but we may not be able to even mention ‘sex’ without HandAngel , and multiple conditions exist even if the body is able to have sex; let alone exposing our bare bodies under the spotlight.
Without a subject, the project had been left idled for a long time, and when finally we have disabled people who are willing to be filmed, full face exposure still does not work, we could only compromise to shooting their hands.

Auxiliary Tools are part of Disabled Bodies

Hence, the focus of this project will be on: making ‘auxiliary tools’ equipment of sexual intercourse, so if you see auxiliary tools of disabled people in future, ‘erotic pleasure’ pops up in your mind but not ‘disability’. We deem that ‘auxiliary tools’ are part of disabled bodies’, so using our bodies to have sex makes absolute sense.
In the video, we have used white cane and wheelchair, as tools for erotic caressing. Putting aside ordinary ways of using auxiliary tools, we hope the general public elicit erotic imaginations when they see disabled auxiliary tools; in addition, we look forward to disabled people not being limited by their own auxiliary tools in actual practice of sexual passion. (auxiliary tools can also be erotic acctually~ )
These three video footages are not strange to ‘Old Hands’. Indeed, wheelchairs had been used as props in the earliest commercial pornos, or past works that feature disabled characters. Our goal is not to shoot mainstream commercial pornos, we wish to encourage you and everyone who watch our video, who see the discussions about our video, to pay more attention to the erotic world of disabled people —— need not sympathise, nor make your stand on high moral points, simply sexually care about disabled people and their auxiliary tools.

Invitation to share HandAngel

HandAngel welcomes everyone to forward and share the video, even though it’s a pity that we cannot encourage teens under 18 years old to watch. (By the way what can people under 18 watch lawfully to masturbate?) With ‘appropriate safe exclusion measures’, this ‘artistic’ and ‘educational’ soft core uncensored obscene porno video, will be protected by constitutional freedom of speech.

當然,若你看著這三部片時能自慰、打手槍、射精、酥爽或增加親密互動的情趣,都是對我們手天使團隊最大的鼓勵及支持!(英文翻譯 / Kathleen) 2020.10.24
Honestly, if you can masturbate, hand job, ejaculate, get high or add pleasures of intimate interactions, it would be the greatest encouragement and support to our HandAngel Team!(Translation / Kathleen) 2020.10.24

第一部『愉虐慾室—輪椅主肌壯色奴』SM Pleasure Room – Wheelchair Master Muscular Sex Slave


第二部『緊縛汁手—巧手變態秘穴突進』 Hunk Tied to Wheelchair and Played by his Polio Dad





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